Myths and More
How many times have you heard someone say – usually a politician – “Americans have the best health care in the world.” Or this one – no...
How many times have you heard someone say – usually a politician – “Americans have the best health care in the world.” Or this one – no...
The Daily Beast website has a fun series of short profiles of the presidents who were most in love with books. You would guess, of...
As if you need another reason to dislike the serial Ponzi-schemer Bernie Madoff, now it turns out the swindler was a New York Mets fan....
Here’s a fascinating subtext to the upcoming Republican presidential primary: Two successful, politically astute, handsome, wealthy,...
One of the better bits of analysis of the huge report is from former Bush speechwriter David Frum. Frum writes: “The report…argues that...
Boston has had 50 inches of snow this winter. Do you think Red Sox fans are anxious for spring? I’m still nursing the hurt over the...
Legislatures are in session, the president is poised to deliver the State of the Union and we just marked the 50th anniversary of JFK’s...
Get to the bottom indeed. We all tend to measure the impact of big events by the closeness of personal connection. For me, this one is...
Accountability, at least most of the time, is sure and swift in the United States military. Just ask Captain Owen Honors, who has been...
Before Richard Ben Cramer, the campaign political book genre was dominated by the great Theodore White and his remarkable Making of the...
Immediately after the mid-term “shellacking” of Barack Obama and his party, New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker...
I told myself, what with the winter blahs and all, that I was done with misty eyed reminiscences about old ballplayers, at least until...
Considering the strum und drang of many Democrats reacting to President Obama’s “deal” with congressional Republicans to extend the...
Every woman – and let’s face it the vast majority of political spouses are women – has to make it up every day. Like a circus high wire...
I once held the best job I can think of in government. For five years, I was the press secretary to a candidate for governor who then...
Chalmers Johnson, who died recently at age 79 in California, may be among the most influential foreign policy thinkers since George...
There was much appropriate notice the last few days of the 90th birthday of Stan “The Man” Musial, the great outfielder for the St. Louis...
Frankly, I’m getting tired of writing about old baseball guys leaving the game or dying. I’m just flat tired of it. And now, Niehaus. I...
Noem, who defeated the incumbent Democrat last week, was pressed repeatedly on how she intended to keep her promises to reduce spending...
Eight games into the season, the Cowboys tied the can to coach Wade Phillips. Someone had to be held accountable. This is the big time,...