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Second Acts

You have to wonder why Jerry Brown would want the job. California, among the biggest economies in the world, is flat broke; $20 billion –...

Thanks for the Memories

Major league baseball in Tucson ended yesterday with a routine ground out. Score it an Owners Choice. Tradition flies out to the...

The End of an Era

It’s going to be a sad day at the ballpark today in Tucson, Arizona. Since 1947, a major league team has conducted spring training at...

Measuring the Health Care Fallout

Anyone who says they know with any degree of certainty the short and/or long-term political impacts of the health care/insurance reform...

Wise Guys

Al Simpson, the former Republican Senator from Cody, Wyoming, is one of an increasingly rare breed in American public life. He actually...

A Passion For Anonymity

What we now think of as the modern White House staff dates back to the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Before FDR – Woodrow Wilson,...

Knowing When to Quit

Elliot Richardson was the Attorney General of the United States when he resigned in 1973 rather than carry out an order he couldn’t agree...

School for Scandal

Will Rogers famously said he belonged to no organized political party. He was a Democrat. The cowboy philosopher would find himself right...

An Election That Matters

Great piece in the Boston Globe today on why Massachusetts’ voters made the decisions they made recently; putting a Republican, Scott...

Big George

My father had a marvelous sense of humor and he would often joke about the little town where he grew up in western Nebraska. Dad would...

American Messiahs

In 1935, Franklin Roosevelt’s chief political operative and campaign manager, Postmaster General James A. Farley, commissioned a public...

Like Father and Son

The Washington Post has a great piece today on Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus of Montana and his former top aide Jim...

Remembering a Good Ol’ Boy

It is a cliche to say it, but they don’t make ’em like former New Mexico Governor Bruce King any more. King died last week at the age of...

A Robust and Complicated Debate

LDS Church Apostle Dallin Oaks gave a speech a while back at the church’s growing and impressive school at Rexburg – BYU Idaho – that...

Civilization Requires Civility

When I noted a few weeks back that President Obama had made a good and interesting selection – former GOP Congressman Jim Leach of Iowa –...

A Very Fine Line

There is a fundamental rule in politics – the first and most important rule, perhaps – that is ignored by any politician at considerable...

Wait Until Next Year

While I wait for the warmth of spring and the baseball fan’s certainty that opening day (148 days away by my count) brings all things new...

It Might As Well Be Winter

The late, great Commissioner of Baseball, Bart Giamatti, while serving as President of Yale, said: “All I ever wanted to be president of...

The Morning After the Morning After

We are a two party nation and – with apologies to the 1840’s Whig Party – the party out of power always finds a way to claw back to...

Playing the Fatso Card

The Republican candidate for governor in New Jersey is a big guy. Some might even say he’s, well, chunky. His opponent is alleging that...

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