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The Power of Humility

“It was the sweetness in his timbre, the meekness of his posture,” Bruni wrote that was truly remarkable. “It was the revelation that a...

So Much and So Little Has Changed

The great theme in all the coverage leading up to the actual anniversary of the March and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s remarkable “I...

Art Imitates Politics

In an Op-Ed piece – it’s always an Op-Ed piece, isn’t it, where news is made these days – Frank allowed as how the hit show House of...

Why Politics Ain’t Fun…Anymore

Germond, who died this week at age 85, was definitely of the “old school.” He knew how to change a typewriter ribbon and I’ll bet he once...

The Middle Doesn’t Hold

Lots of Republicans, particularly the Tea Party wing of the party, love the Club for Growth and its mouthpiece former Rep. Chris Chocola...

Appointing Senators

Ervin, appointed in 1954, served 20 years in the Senate and is now remembered to history for his drawling, gentlemanly and expert...

Congress Investigates

Darrell Issa is the latest of a long, long line of Congressional investigators, politicians who have frequently overplayed their powerful...

Following the Money

David Cay Johnston calls the “unfortunate tendency…to quote people accurately without explaining the underlying context.” The story of...

Taxing Issues

Trouble comes in threes and in the case of the stumbling start to Barack Obama’s second term trouble is spelled three ways –...

Isn’t It Rich

Al Gore, the former vice president who but for the vote of one Supreme Court Justice would have captured the American presidency in 2000,...

The Culture of NO…

Americans like to tell themselves with persistent regularity that we are “a can do” country. If the job needs doing – sign us up. We’ll...

Jim Crow’s Playmates

By all accounts Mr. Rickey, as everyone called him, wasn’t much of a ballplayer himself. He only played in the majors for four seasons,...

Baseball on Film

Another reason I hope 42 is worthy of becoming a classic is that there are relatively few really good movies about baseball. I think I’ve...

Our Unresolved Issue

Comedian Jon Stewart joked that Paul “fell asleep on the Green Line and woke up” at Howard and, while his history lesson was suspect, to...

M.A.D. Men

You have to hand it to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky – the guy knows how to go for the political throat. Mild...

Savor the Spring

The fellow with the unique hat – it was a Cubs game so there were more than a few crazy hats – was selling suds and peanuts last Saturday...


As to whether her being gay might impact cousin John’s reading of the complicated California ban on same sex marriage, Podrasky told the...

It’s the Demographics, Stupid

On the very day the GOP issued a highly critical 100-page report on its performance during the 2012 election and what it might do to get...

Dishing it Out

By now, unless you don’t follow what passes for serious news these days, you know that Woodward, the more famous half of Woodward and...

Debasing the Language

Orwell’s world, distant as it seems today, was filled with worry about Stalinist Russia, the dying British Empire and the dawn of the...

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