The State Fiscal Crisis
California’s new – old – governor, Jerry Brown, delivered his State of State address to the legislature last night. Lots of gloom and...
California’s new – old – governor, Jerry Brown, delivered his State of State address to the legislature last night. Lots of gloom and...
“The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life; the children, those who are in the...
Now that Idaho’s statewide elected officials have taken the oath of office for the next four years, we can safely start the speculation...
As Idaho and a half dozen other states prepare legislation to attempt to “nullify” the federal health care law, including apparently...
When I saw the story that Idaho’s State School Superintendent Tom Luna had pulled a pop history quiz on lawmakers on the legislature’s...
If yesterday’s election in Idaho had been a Little League baseball game, it would have been called on account of the ten run rule....
Clint Stennett, who died last week at age 54, was nothing if not authentic. He passed with flying colors the VFW – Bear Lake County Fair...
All the attention two weeks before the November 2nd gubernatorial election in Idaho has been focused on the two major party candidates,...
When I became chief of staff to the Governor of Idaho in 1991 it was a case of good news and bad news. It was an honor and responsibility...
The great western artist Charlie Russell – that’s him in a tent with a paint brush – never, as far as I know, contemplated a political...
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower Fifty years...
In many past elections, incumbents have often deemed it in their best interest to sit on their lead, while going into the political...
The Washington Post had a fascinating and yet difficult to read story a few days ago about how an airplane accident shaped the modern...
For as long as I can remember Idaho has had a running debate about whether to really invest in a robust program of tax compliance in the...
Arguably William Edgar Borah – the Lion of Idaho – is the most famous and influential politician Idaho has ever produced. He served...
If there is a single journalist with a national audience who regularly keeps an eye on Idaho it would be Tim Egan, the former Spokane...
Back in the gloomy cold of winter, with the Idaho Republican establishment in line with the guy Labrador decked on Tuesday, you wouldn’t...
For the last few weeks, many Idahoans – particularly those who enjoy a good political tale – have been fascinated by the congressional...
The political establishment took it on the chin in yesterday’s primaries in Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Arkansas. Voters said no to long...
One of the most interesting – and toughest – primary elections in the country is nearing an end in Pennsylvania. Party-switcher Arlen...