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We Never Learn…

Note: My column this week in the Lewiston, Idaho Tribune ———– Just when it seems that our politics can’t possibly produce yet one more...

Lights and Wires in a Box…

“One of the basic troubles with radio and television news is that both instruments have grown up as an incompatible combination of show...

The Loudest Voice…

“Imagine a NASCAR driver mentally preparing for a race knowing one of the drivers will be drunk. That’s what prepping for this debate is...

The Most Interesting Man

Putting the former political writer and columnist for the Idaho Statesman on his payroll just adds to Labrador’s fascinating spring and...

New – and Old – Lows

Rush Limbaugh apologized over the weekend for a choice of words that he admitted “was not the best,” a reference to his radio show...

All the News

You could not look at a website or pick up a paper over the weekend without seeing the nearly minute-by-minute coverage of the latest...

The Great Divide

A friend of mine has always said he never feels more patriotic than on the day he files his tax return and most years ships off a check...

The Giffords Story

“Anger, hatred, bigotry” – the headline in the Sydney, Australia Morning Herald. “A disturbing story about American political culture” –...

Now…the News

The new Pew Research Center report dealing with where Americans turn for their daily news fix shows, not surprisingly, that the...

Looking More, Believing Less

The Pew Research Center for People and the Press is out with a new survey about where we’re going for news and why and at least one of...

Just Plain Getting it Wrong

By now, I suspect, everyone in the country – except perhaps that escaped prisoner caught late last week in Arizona with his accomplice...

News, Money and Politics

I’ve long been a believer that the best defense against what is often referred to as “the nefarious influence of money in politics” is...

Google to the Rescue

James Fallows, the talented and insightful writer for The Atlantic, has a great piece in the current issue that might – just might – give...

The Press on the Press

Under either scenario, the buzz will dissipate quickly with the pundits and cable bloviators moving on to something else by about...

Media Matters

More proof this week of the fundamental changes taking place in the newspaper business. David Carr, a media commentator for The New York...

Save Balloon Boy!

The cartoon from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch kinda says it all. Someday , I just know (if I live long enough), I’ll be able to say I was...

Poverty in Idaho

Boise State Radio, the NPR station covering much of southern Idaho, has produced a remarkable series of stories this week focused on how...

Remembering a Press Secretary

The death this week of Carter Administration press secretary Jody Powell got me thinking about how he (and Jimmy Carter) fashioned the...

More Bad News…for the Press

The Pew Center is out with a new survey that may help explain some of the demise of the so called “main stream” media. As the chart...

Media Odds and Ends

Thoughtful commentary from Fort Hall, Idaho native Mark Trahant on the current health care debate. Trahant writes in Indian Country...

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