When Its Lost Can it be Found Again? I’ve had a good deal of fun over the last few weeks teaching a college-level political science...
When Its Lost Can it be Found Again? I’ve had a good deal of fun over the last few weeks teaching a college-level political science...
I’d argue that ever modern American presidential election comes down to one fundamental question: do we change or do we continue? In...
On Wall Street and the NCAA The nation’s political chattering classes have had plenty to chatter about over the last couple of weeks –...
It is not really true, as is often said, that history repeats. No historical analogy is ever 100 percent correct. What history does...
Nothing, ever – nothing – is certain in politics. A candidate or officeholder can literally go from hero to zero in the length of time it...
“The problem with some people is that when they aren’t drunk, they’re sober.” – William Butler Yeats When Barack Obama stood before a...
A good deal of the analysis of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s less-that-successful first days on the presidential campaign trail...
Like all political parties who find themselves out of power, national Republicans officially began the search last night for their 2012...
Of all the remarkable images over the last 24 hours or so, the tense scene in the White House Situation Room Sunday night tells most of...
OK, I never thought I’d find a connection among the “greatest” heavyweight of all time, Franklin Roosevelt and the man now in the White...
Potentially one of the side benefits to come from the budget deal struck late Friday was the development of a modicum of trust among...
George Will has finally written what many Republicans are thinking: these folks aren’t ready for prime time. In his Sunday column, Will...
My favorite presidential historian, Robert Dallek, as well as anyone has, caught the essence of last night’s remarkable speech in Tucson...
Immediately after the mid-term “shellacking” of Barack Obama and his party, New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker...
Considering the strum und drang of many Democrats reacting to President Obama’s “deal” with congressional Republicans to extend the...
In 1934 the unemployment rate in the United States was 21.7%, just two percent lower than it had been when Franklin Roosevelt entered the...
Robert Dallek is one of the best of the current crop of presidential historians. He’s fair-minded and a scholar, but also possesses a...
There are no perfect historical parallels. Nothing is ever precisely like it was in another time. At best, history can help illuminate...
Barack Obama recorded another presidential first last night. He became the only president in American history to have opposed a war and...
There is a great line in the 1972 film The Candidate starring the young Robert Redford. In the film, Redford’s character is an aspiring...