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Memo to CNN: in future debates don’t put candidates for president of the United States at little desks that look like they belong in a...
Memo to CNN: in future debates don’t put candidates for president of the United States at little desks that look like they belong in a...
Should you desire to get caught up on your political reading, here are several “must reads” to start the week: Walter Shapiro has a tough...
There are few enduring truths in politics. Money usually wins would be one truism. Optimism beats gloom would be another. The truism that...
If Mitt Romney wins the Florida primary Tuesday, as now seems likely, the media scrum following his every move will no doubt credit his...
In tennis they call what Mitt Romney has been doing for the last couple of weeks “unforced errors.” In football, Romney has been...
John Nance Garner is mostly forgotten now days. If he’s remembered for anything it was for his alleged pity comment that the “vice...
It is rare – very rare – that a state Supreme Court rises up on its hind legs and says to the United States Supreme Court we think you...
With two wins in a row in the hip pocket of his blue jeans, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney heads to South Carolina today to...
It is not much talked about in the current Republican Party primary frenzy, but Mitt Romney’s father, George, the one-time Governor of...