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It’s the Demographics, Stupid

On the very day the GOP issued a highly critical 100-page report on its performance during the 2012 election and what it might do to get...


Roberts: The Chief Makes History There will be days and days of analysis – some of it even important – of today’s historic Supreme Court...

Endless Money

Corporations Really Are People While the nation holds its collective breath over the fate of Obamacare (hint, it’s going down) the...

Supreme Power

There is an old and respected approach to judicial review of controversial and essentially political issues that holds that judges should...

FDR’s Great Blunder

Two years ago in his State of the Union address, Barack Obama called out the Supreme Court of the United States for its ruling in the...

A New Gilded Age

If Mitt Romney wins the Florida primary Tuesday, as now seems likely, the media scrum following his every move will no doubt credit his...

Supreme Power

The United States Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that has it all for we separation of powers fans. The briefing in the...

2012 Wildcard

Elections and the Court When the Obama Justice Department announced last week that it had asked the United States Supreme Court for an...

The Word is Ethical

Thomas and Fortas, Separated Only By Time In a completely fascinating piece in the current New Yorker, Supreme Court watcher Jeffrey...

A Tipping Point

I once heard Sherman Alexie, a gifted writer who also happens to be Native American, have some fun at the expense of those who maintain...

The Judges Decide

As the first anniversary of the controversial national health care reform legislation – or more correctly health insurance reform...

First Monday in October

Tomorrow night – October 5 – I’ll be talking about some of the most significant history of the Supreme Court at the Library at Cole and...

Byrd, Kagan and the Senate

The news that the longest serving member of Congress in the nation’s history, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, had died got me to thinking...

Should Judges Think?

We are soon to witness the latest chapter in the by now completely predictable theatre that passes for a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing...

But She Isn’t a Judge

The early line of attack against Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan seems to be focusing on her lack of “judicial experience.” Senate...

Put a Clinton on the Court

I know, I know, the 42nd President of the United States of America totes around just a little baggage – that whole impeachment thing –...

Replacing Justice Stevens

With Justice John Paul Stevens retiring, President Obama has the opportunity to name his second justice in less than two years. How...

The Real Activist Judges

The esteemed American historian James MacGregor Burns published an important and fiercely argued little book last year that received too...

The President and the Supremes

The curious ritual that has become a feature of a president’s State of the Union speech – the black robed justices of the United States...

Now That Was Quick

George Sutherland is the only person from the state of Utah to ever serve on the United States Supreme Court. Nominated by President...

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