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The Art of the Miscalculation

“Hello, Bob. So, we just pulled it.” Donald J. Trump phones Washington Post reporter Robert Costa to report on the art of his failed...

History Repeats…

“I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to time designate, whenever he or...

Intellectual Rot…

“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.” President Donald J. Trump, January 20, 2017 ———- As surreal as it was to...

John Lewis is Right…

“I don’t see this President-elect as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they...

Explaining Trump and Putin…

“Putin has had many positive experiences working with Western political leaders whose business interests made them more disposed to deal...

The Shaming of Mitt…

“It was an honor to have been considered for Secretary of State of our great country. My discussions with President-elect Trump have been...

Regularizing the Irregular…

“I’m gonna tell you what I really think of Donald Trump: This man is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth...

Missed it by a Mile…

In midtown Manhattan, Amtrak train conductor Joe Mazzola, 35, said that many of his fellow rail workers, all of them unionized, were...

Cue the Recriminations…

“Character matters. (Trump) is obviously not going to win. But he can still make an honorable move: Step aside and let Mike Pence try.”...

Stay Classy….No, Really

“Nice hotel. Under budget and ahead of schedule. Isn’t that nice? No, it is a great honor. This is our brand-new ballroom.” Donald J....

The Useful Idiot…

“Hillary Clinton’s admission that she has pneumonia after allegedly becoming ‘overheated’ at a 9/11 event has even some in MSM...

What Trump Hath Wrought…

“I think I’m going to do great with African-Americans. I say it very simply: the crime is through the roof. Through the roof. People...

Our Manchurian Candidate…

“The final and most worrying similarity between Putin and Trump is that so many are unwilling to believe that someone like Trump could...

Trumping the Shark…

“And we’ve got our soldiers sitting there [in South Korea] watching missiles go up. And you say to yourself, ‘Oh, that’s interesting.’...

The GOP’s “New Nixon…”

“I think what Nixon understood is that when the world is falling apart, people want a strong leader whose highest priority is protecting...

Civility and Citizenship…

“And let’s dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this...

So We Beat On…

“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast...

Stop, Think and Ask “What If…”

According to the Financial Times, Michael Gove, a champion of Britain’s exit from the European Union and now a candidate for prime...

Brexit and America

“We have fought against the multinationals, we have fought against the big merchant banks, we have fought against big politics, we have...

There is Something Going On…

“…the contest is downright dangerous.” Elizabeth Drew on the presidential election ——– We knew it was coming. Certain things are simply...

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