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Junior is in the Hall

“I’ve pretty much done everything you could do in baseball.” Ken Griffey, Jr. ——- I became a Seattle Mariners fan years ago when the home...

Junior is in the Hall

“I’ve pretty much done everything you could do in baseball.” Ken Griffey, Jr. ——- I became a Seattle Mariners fan years ago when the home...

A Not So Well Regulated Militia

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be...

A Not So Well Regulated Militia

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be...

What I Got Wrong in 2015…

“Get ready for the “Bush Rebounds” stories. You heard it hear first.” One of my less-than-perfect predictions from 2015 ——— In the spirit...

What I Got Wrong in 2015…

“Get ready for the “Bush Rebounds” stories. You heard it hear first.” One of my less-than-perfect predictions from 2015 ——— In the spirit...

Grab the Pitchforks

“The CDO – collateralized debt obligation – was, in effect, a credit laundering service for the residents of Lower Middle Class America....

Grab the Pitchforks

“The CDO – collateralized debt obligation – was, in effect, a credit laundering service for the residents of Lower Middle Class America....

Christmas Memories…

“It’s Christmas Eve! It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For...

Christmas Memories…

“It’s Christmas Eve! It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For...

Trolling the Polls

“Trump has received about the most disproportionate media coverage ever for a primary candidate. The risk to Trump and candidates like...

Trolling the Polls

“Trump has received about the most disproportionate media coverage ever for a primary candidate. The risk to Trump and candidates like...

Anatomy of a Demagogue

In his masterful study of the populist demagogues that plagued Franklin Roosevelt near the end of his first term in the 1930’s, Columbia...

Anatomy of a Demagogue

In his masterful study of the populist demagogues that plagued Franklin Roosevelt near the end of his first term in the 1930’s, Columbia...

Air Brushing Woodrow Wilson…

I begin from the premise that activism on college campuses is a good thing. Any society should want engaged, involved, opinionated,...

Air Brushing Woodrow Wilson…

I begin from the premise that activism on college campuses is a good thing. Any society should want engaged, involved, opinionated,...

The Essential Holiday…

My Aunt Vera was a genuinely nice person. She could have been an All-American model for a Norman Rockwell painting and she always looked,...

The Essential Holiday…

My Aunt Vera was a genuinely nice person. She could have been an All-American model for a Norman Rockwell painting and she always looked,...

Fear Itself…

Obama’s response to the attacks also raises a more political question: Why hasn’t a man known for his rhetorical gifts done more to...

Fear Itself…

Obama’s response to the attacks also raises a more political question: Why hasn’t a man known for his rhetorical gifts done more to...

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