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Savor the Spring

The fellow with the unique hat – it was a Cubs game so there were more than a few crazy hats – was selling suds and peanuts last Saturday...


As to whether her being gay might impact cousin John’s reading of the complicated California ban on same sex marriage, Podrasky told the...

It’s the Demographics, Stupid

On the very day the GOP issued a highly critical 100-page report on its performance during the 2012 election and what it might do to get...

Graveyard of Empires

Young Winston wrote from the British cavalry barracks in Bangalore where he was stationed as part of his deployment to the part of the...

Higher Ed, Lower Expectations

University of Idaho President Duane Nellis apparently will depart shortly for Texas Tech University in Lubbock; a 30,000 student, major...

Dishing it Out

By now, unless you don’t follow what passes for serious news these days, you know that Woodward, the more famous half of Woodward and...

Invisible Armies

I have been devouring a provocative and highly readable new book – Invisible Armies – by military historian and Council on Foreign...

Presidential Reads

In no particular order here are my suggestions for compelling reading on presidents most of us have forgotten or never knew. I would...

The Presidents

Ol’ Silent Cal came to the Black Hills of South Dakota to vacation in the summer of 1927 and the magnanimous native people who considered...

The Church Endures

Any institution that has survived and thrived for two thousand years is, by the very nature of its longevity, conservative, traditional...

Debasing the Language

Orwell’s world, distant as it seems today, was filled with worry about Stalinist Russia, the dying British Empire and the dawn of the...

The Glamour Of It

I learned long ago, for example, to never check a piece of luggage. Why risk it? And, with reductions in staffing for airlines and at...

The Last Great Senate

Baker was a moderate Republican when the GOP had such a thing and his influence on the Senate and American politics from the 1960’s to...

Second Terms

Woodrow Wilson won the narrowest of re-elections in 1916 on a promise that he “kept us out of war” and promptly got the country into...

Grace and Grit

Stan the Man, maybe the most talented nice guy to ever lace up a pair of spikes, and The Duke of Earl, one of the most competitive and...

For ‘Em, Or Agin ‘Em

As it has accumulated political power over the last 25 years and become the most feared lobby in the country, the NRA has been nothing if...

True Confessions

Just review the run-up to the already celebrated interview that hasn’t even aired yet. First, its leaked to the New York Times days ago...

War and Congress

The FBI followed him, particularly after he criticized Roosevelt’s foreign policy prior to American entry into World War II. His...

Father Riffle

All this makes the passing last week of Father Donald Riffle, a retired priest in the Diocese of Boise all the sadder. Father Riffle was...

Mr. Speaker

John Boehner survived his re-election as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday – barely – but if history is any guide...

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