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GOP Challenge

When former Florida Republican Gov. Jeb Bush suggested recently that “appealing to people’s fears and emotion” just might not be a...

The Jackrabbits!

Kentucky, Duke, Kansas, NO…the Jacks The Associated Press reported yesterday that some guy from Pennsylvania – Pennsylvania? – called the...

The Water’s Edge

First: Can Ron Paul, as I naively asked yesterday, win Idaho? Answer: Nope, not even close. If Paul couldn’t win in Alaska, North Dakota...

Ron Paul

Watching the GOP field I have come to believe that only Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian from Texas, is truly comfortable in his own skin....

New – and Old – Lows

Rush Limbaugh apologized over the weekend for a choice of words that he admitted “was not the best,” a reference to his radio show...


To the extent that President James A. Garfield is remembered at all today it’s because, as the history books summarize, he was shot and...

He Had Game

Some boys with a beat up basketball to dribble, a rim – hopefully with a net – in the driveway to shoot at and a little imagination can...

Politics 101

For a while during his second comeback of the GOP primary season Newt Gingrich was spending more time talking about Saul Alinsky than his...

Primary Colors

Sen. J. William Fulbright of Arkansas– that’s him in the photo when he was at the height of his influence – still holds the record as the...

Eating Their Own

Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana certainly ranks as one of the most significant politicians to ever hail from Hoosierland. He’s...

What We Need

Mark Twain is not remembered as a partisan political person, but more as an equal opportunity abuser of politicians of all stripes. “It...

Off Message

Memo to CNN: in future debates don’t put candidates for president of the United States at little desks that look like they belong in a...

They Also Ran

If you recognize the fellow in the photo as the 1924 Democratic candidate for President of the United States you are a trivia master....

Monday Reads

Should you desire to get caught up on your political reading, here are several “must reads” to start the week: Walter Shapiro has a tough...

Senators Worth Remembering

The Sixth in an Occasional Series… John McCain might think of himself as a “maverick,” and many politicians aspire to that label, but few...

When in Disgrace

The Bard, we think, wrote his 29th sonnet around about 1592 at a time when he was deeply troubled by something. Perhaps it was the...

A Moment in Time

Politicians are defined by their actions, but also by what they fail to do. I’m guessing that at least some of the Idaho State Senators...

The Missing Mitt

There are few enduring truths in politics. Money usually wins would be one truism. Optimism beats gloom would be another. The truism that...

FDR’s Great Blunder

Two years ago in his State of the Union address, Barack Obama called out the Supreme Court of the United States for its ruling in the...

The Spy from Boise

Years ago as a very young, very naive reporter, the boss handed me a piece of wire copy ripped straight off the teletype machine and told...

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