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Beyond the Grave

Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has the unwelcome distinction of having lost a U.S. Senate race to a dead man. It happened in...

Senators Worth Remembering

Democrat Edward P. Costigan had a short, but extremely productive and influential tenure representing Colorado in the United States...

Down to the Last Out

When the Tamarack Ski Resort in Valley County, Idaho opened back in December of 2004 no less a newspaper of record than the New York...

When Campaign Finance Fails

The headline above is spread across the front page of this morning’s Seattle Times. The paper notes that $40 million in political...

Our Disinvestment in Higher Education

The United States has been engaged over the last 20 years or so in a systematic disinvestment in higher education. It may be the least...

Mike Mitchell

When I became chief of staff to the Governor of Idaho in 1991 it was a case of good news and bad news. It was an honor and responsibility...

Senators Worth Remembering

Sen. Bronson M. Cutting was among the most interesting men to have ever sat in the United States Senate. New York born into a wealthy...

Senators to Remember

The modern Senate has its problems to say the least, including too much blind partisanship and what many scholars see as a growing lack...


The great western artist Charlie Russell – that’s him in a tent with a paint brush – never, as far as I know, contemplated a political...

First Monday in October

Tomorrow night – October 5 – I’ll be talking about some of the most significant history of the Supreme Court at the Library at Cole and...

So Long Bobby

The rap against Bobby Cox, the 25 year manager of the Atlanta Braves, has always been that he won only one World Series. Never mind the...

The Red Corner

Sheridan County, Montana borders on North Dakota to the east and the Canadian prairie province of Saskatchewan to the north. It is about...

Among the Best Ever

One of my great baseball memories was watching a batting practice session in Arizona several years ago. It was just one of those...

Hidden in Plain Sight

The exhibit – developed by the Museum – premiered earlier this year at Ellis Island in New York, home of the National Memorial to the...

Looking More, Believing Less

The Pew Research Center for People and the Press is out with a new survey about where we’re going for news and why and at least one of...

A Class Act

I don’t like the Yankees or the Dodgers. Never have. But I gotta say a word or two about the class act that recently announced he was...

Timothy Egan

Tim Egan, who writes an on line column for the New York Times website, had a marvelous piece earlier this month. He called it “My Summer...

Poverty in America

“The moral test of government,” Hubert Humphrey once said, “is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the...

Ed Newman

You wonder if a guy as gifted and rumpled as Edwin Newman could find a job in television these days. He might be considered too erudite,...


Ronald Reagan defined and built the modern Republican Party. No one would accuse the former president of being anything but a card...

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